Florescent | SPEEDPAINT | Photoshop CC

Timelapse video of me painting a fullbody illustration commission for Optical-Rotation (private commissioner).

Hope you enjoy the video!


OFFICIAL STORE: https://www.clockbirds.com/
REDBUBBLE: https://www.redbubble.com/people/clockbirds

Here’s where to find me everywhere else!
WEBSITE: http://clockbirds.com
TUMBLR: http://clockbirds.tumblr.com/tagged/clockbirds
DEVIANTART: http://clockbirds.deviantart.com/
INSTAGRAM: @clockbirds
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/clockbirdsART


Music Credits

Song: Isagoge by Hiracutch

Music provided by Audio Library – Free Music.
Watch: https://youtu.be/r3uhMpwopus
Download/Stream: https://bit.ly/3545h1G

Song: Into the Green by Tokyo Music Walker

Music provided by Audio Library – Free Music.
Watch: https://youtu.be/lejiR9IPw_w
Download/Stream: https://bit.ly/3ytPGFZ


Tools Used

I use Adobe Photoshop CC for painting and editing my illustrations. Many of my older speedpaints were done in a free digital program called Medibang Paint (which I highly recommend for beginner artists!). I switched to using Photoshop as my main art program in late 2018 to further improve my work. My tablet is the Wacom Cintiq 16, which I purchased in 2019. I record my screen using OBS and edit all my videos in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Adobe Photoshop & Premiere Pro CC: http://www.adobe.com/
Recording software: https://obsproject.com/
Wacom Mobile Studio Pro: http://www.wacom.com/



How long did this take?
It varies! If it’s a five minute long video, then between 3 to 4 hours. If its between 7-10 minutes, it was probably a bigger piece which can take anywhere between 10-15 hours.

Where did you get your brushes?
Most of the brushes you see me use are with from the Kyle Brush packs (mainly the ‘Real Oils’ from the Megapack, available to all Photoshop CC users) or from Andreas Rocha’s brush pack (given out as a Patreon reward).

What canvas size do you draw on?
My canvas size is usually around 3000px on the short side and upwards of 5000px on the long side. With a resolution of around 300 – 350 dpi.

How do I commission you?
I open commissions around 3 times a year and accept in batches of 10-15. For all my prices and info, visit: https://www.clockbirds.com/commissions

…and for more FAQs go to: https://www.clockbirds.com/faq


47 thoughts on “Florescent | SPEEDPAINT | Photoshop CC”

  1. WB! OMG YESS! YOUR ART MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME! needing to calm down moment* Alright, I hope your year has gone ok! (aside from covid) Your art is truly amazing and it means a lot to me that you posted!

  2. Yoooo that looks so amazing!! and welcome back!! I want to do drawing but ive played with multiple brushes and none seem to be into my liking, what brush pack do you use if you by any chance remember…i would like to play around with it

  3. Can you do a video showing your art progression. I'm watching your video and I am surprised to the amount of detail you put into your work. For example you added shadows to the tassels on the antlers in this design. I would never have considered that. I am curious to see where you came from. Did you formerly take art classes?

  4. What a stunning piece! I'm certain your commissioner was happy with it.
    Question: Do you happen to do any streams on Picarto or Twitch (or somewhere else)? I'd absolutely love to be able to watch a part of your painting process in real time.

  5. I didn´t even started the video and i´m already smiling. I really hope that everything has been alright and that whatever the reason of why you dissapeared was nothing worrying had happend about it. Welcome back 🙂

  6. Не прошло и пяти лет… Пришло только три. Я все три года думал что всё больше точно ничего не выйдет! Эй, ау, не прячьтесь больше!!!

  7. Also, I saw some of your old art from 2016 maybe, the ones that was not on your Deviantart place and your channel, I like them, their pretty, and I didn't know you made art before all of this.


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