Commission // Photoshop SpeedPaint

Illustration Painting Speedpaint

Thanks 200+ subscribes!
I tried to record looks like procreate timelapse~ Hope looks More stable

▼Yeej Chan
【Found me】

#Timelapse #Painting #drawing


41 thoughts on “Commission // Photoshop SpeedPaint”

  1. Bro in the sketchy part, IT WAS SO WOW- the gold rule,perspective!! and, i love it all, the colours In the end matching into an calming pallet, the details ,, omg I need to learn do these type of flowers, you are really good on it!!!
    Edit: the details on the eye, love the contrast on the whole art, mainly on the clothes, the rainbow stuff pretty satisfying.

  2. Your art is gorgeous!! The composition, the eyes, the colors, the background elements and the way the pen connects to the flowers is fantastic! Thank you for sharing your process 🙏 watching it inspires me to go practice!!


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