【Speedpaint】Messy meal


Full time: 2 hours
Finished drawing: http://chariko.deviantart.com/art/Speedpaint-Messy-meal-664610511
Tools used: Paint tool sai, Photoshop CS6, Camtasia, MS paint

。.✧ Links ✧.。
DeviantArt: http://chariko.deviantart.com/?rnrd=192125
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kokochari
Tumblr: http://charikoko.tumblr.com/
Picarto: https://picarto.tv/charikoko
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chariko.ko/



15 thoughts on “【Speedpaint】Messy meal”

  1. Fantastic work as always! I follow you on many of your social media accounts and I love everything you do. Thank you for taking the time to make beautiful art and inspire many people. I love the creepy, dark feeling to your art and this OC is so unique!

  2. Your art is literally so amazing?? I love you and your art so much, thank you for doing what you do and you are constantly inspiring me to get better with every single art piece you post. I follow you and your art on multiple platforms and it brightens my day every time I see it, I admire your style and the mood that goes along with it so much and I would love to pursue this sort of dark, beautiful mood in my drawings. I bet you get a lot of these comments all of the time but I just want to let you know that I appreciate you and your work so so much and thank you for posting and sharing your beautiful creations with the world, and I hope you continue doing so! <3


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